
Strengthen Health Outcomes for Women and Children (SHOW) Project:

SHOW is a 4-year (January 2016- September 2020). The ultimate objective of SHOW is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality amongst vulnerable women and children, including adolescent girls, in targeted remote, underserved regions and Districts in Ghana. To achieve the project’s ambitious objective, the quality, availability, utilization and accountability of essential maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services will be improved in the targeted districts in the Northern Part of Ghana.

Advocacy for Resources for Malaria Stoppage (ARMS) Initiative

The overall goal of this project is to contribute to reduced incidence of malaria in Ghana, ISRAD as a member of the consortium is operating in 18 districts in Northern, Upper East and Upper West region

Ghana Adolescent Reproductive Health (GHARH) Project.

This project is ongoing in the Brong Ahafor Region in partnership with Palladium with funding from the DfID of UK. The project goals

Agoo Project funded by UNICEF

Mobilization of Senior High School on Ebola and Cholera.

No Yawa Project funded by Gramean Foundation

The Project aimed at sensitizing adolescence through mobile phone application across the three Northern Region

Behavior Change Communication for Ebola and Cholera funded by UKAID

National BCC For Cholera And Ebola Campaign, responsible for Upper East, Upper West and Northern Region. Sensitizing 600 communities across the three regions in the northern sector of Ghana

BCC Initiative for the promotion of Microscopes and/RDT for malaria Diagnosis-funded by UKAID

Project is being implemented in 200 communities in Upper East and Upper West.

Baseline Survey

Conducted baseline survey in Upper East and West to determine the knowledge on the  use of microscopes and/or RDTS for malaria diagnosis.

Baseline Survey

Conducted baseline survey WASH for Global Communities in La, Nima, Assekere and Kojokrom-May

Geographical Information Systems

Spatial baseline survey of water and sanitation conditions in 4 communities in Accra and Takoradi (La,Nima West, Ntankofu and Asekae)

Household Survey

Assessing the Acceptance and Understanding of PMI Sponsored Indoor Residual Spraying in the Northern Region of Ghana,

Community mobilization

Undertook ISRAD’s project on social mobilization activities for the universal bed net distribution in the three Northern Regions of Ghana.

Behavior Change Communication

Implemented the behavior change communication component of the USAID/PMI funded indoor residual spraying in the Northern Region of Ghana

P.O. Box WY 1581,
Adjacent to Beige Capital,
Adenta Main Road,
Greater Accra

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